Monday, February 10, 2014

Norman? Oiieeeehh oooohhhh ohhhhh, Norman?

Its been a hazy morning for us here at the Wastelander hovel. Norm is out on some vacation right? Seeing him hobble around at Ticket Stock makes me wonder how he is the resident world traveler at the mothership.

Donny-Doo with Rich is a pretty good bit. Black and Quack create some interesting demographical and generational (that looks like genital) discourse. The pace of the segments is fast and we get to hear Jer more than we usually would.

Carry on then. 

By the way, down hill skiing. OMG. And Jonny Weir, so hot right how.

You serious bro? Gold fish in those heels?


  1. Also, really excited to hear Shake Joint in for Norm this week starting Wednesday.

  2. He's off in the Galapagos. Yet another far-flung adventure for Uncle Norm.

  3. BaD radio: Donny-Doo breaks up some tension between Bob and Dan regarding the Olympics theme running under their Olympics talk. Funny, and awkward.

  4. Also, Mino brings a whole new bag as board op. I like what he brings, others may not. One thing we can all agree on though is that we are hearing many drops now that we have not heard in a while. Many will stop down the hosts, even prompt them to talk about their etiology. And lets not forget Space is Super Gay. Heard that one a lot lately, funny jab at Producer Jake.

  5. So this site is actually several different Wastes composing content? Kul.

  6. Yeah, there are a few. Takes a small army to tune in so hard!

  7. OK. This place is DEFINITELY Ticket affiliated.

  8. Way too slick, yet trying to appear off the cuff. Very promo department ish in writing. The entries sound like Ticket promos. Lack of any and all critique. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is so good that it's perfect. Every move by management is for the best, every employee is best suited for his job, yada yada yada. Very much modeled after MTC to the point it seems like this might be a Ticket controlled compliment or message spin/control site. This will be the last time I comment on this topic. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Don't think I am. Doesn't matter. It's not as if you or you guys -the different writers seem to write in identical ways- are talking smack or spreading lies. It's a feel good place. The world needs more of that.

  9. Dan's Beach Towel aka @danny_ballsFebruary 15, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    I seriously doubt this is affiliated with KTCK officially. Read some of this dudes twitter posts and it's easy to see.(I don't mean that in any critical way btw)

    I rear ended a gentleman.

  10. I would take it as a compliment as far as being so versed in Ticket history. It just means y'all know your stuff, P1WL.
